No news from journalist detained by KDP for 116 days
- actual
- 12:51 17/2/2024
The situation of Rojnews editor Süleyman Ahmet, who was detained by forces affiliated with the KDP, has not been announced for 116 days.
The situation of Rojnews editor Süleyman Ahmet, who was detained by forces affiliated with the KDP, has not been announced for 116 days.
The hunger strike in prisons demanding "Freedom for Abdullah Ocalan and solution to the Kurdish issue" has entered its 83rd day.
Evaluating the death of Putin's opponent politician Aleksey Navalny in prison in Russia, academician İsmet Konak said: "Such opponents do not die on their own. The probability of Navalny being killed is very high.”
Ill prisoner Abdullah Zoraslan was sentenced to aggravated life imprisonment by filing a new lawsuit against him 3 days before his release.
While the 6 journalists released after four days of detention were welcomed by their colleagues, they said: “Free press cannot be silenced. Long live the resistance of Kurdish journalists."
The demand for "freedom for Abdullah Ocalan" came to the fore wherever the "Great Freedom March" took place. Describing the moments that impressed them the most, the marchers emphasized that the mothers who welcomed them with enthusiasm longed for peace and gave the message, "This march will continue."
5 journalists, who were detained for 4 days in Izmir, were referred to the judgeship by the prosecutor with a demand for arrest, without even taking their statements.
5 journalists who were detained in İzmir for 4 days were referred to the prosecutor's office.
Emphasizing that the conditions Abdullah Ocalan is in are against the law, lawyer Bedirhan Sarsılmaz pointed to the ECHR decisions and said: "25 years have passed and the conditions for release on probation of Mr. Ocalan have been met."
The situation of Rojnews editor Süleyman Ahmet, who was detained by forces affiliated with the KDP, has not been announced for 115 days.
The hunger strike in prisons demanding "Freedom for Abdullah Ocalan and solution to the Kurdish issue" has entered its 82nd day.
30-year prisoner Fahrettin Sahin, who stated that they had the most difficulty in the conspiracy process in prison, said: "Abdullah Ocalan's freedom must be more on the agenda. Nothing else must be considered other than this."
Journalists who were detained in İzmir and whose police procedures were completed were asked about the news they made.
DBP Co-Chair Ciğdem Kılıçgün Uçar, one of the Freedom Marchers who reached the land where PKK Leader Abdullah Ocalan was born, said: “This march is not only the march of those marching, but of millions. We will fight until Mr. Ocalan's voice reaches everyone and the Kurdish issue is solved.”
HDP Youth Assembly member Hüsamettin Tanrıkulu touched upon the conspiracy against Abdullah Ocalan in the case in which he is on remand. The court then cut off the SEGBIS connection.