Warning signs in Kurdish removes on grounds of 'non-standard'
- actual
- 16:40 31/7/2024
After Kerboran, the warning sign “Pêşî Peya” was removed in Nisêbîn (Nusaybin) on the grounds that it “violates highway traffic marking standards”.
After Kerboran, the warning sign “Pêşî Peya” was removed in Nisêbîn (Nusaybin) on the grounds that it “violates highway traffic marking standards”.
MKG and DFG made a statement on Kurdish journalist Pexshan Ezîzî, who is sentenced to death by the Iranian regime, and called for “Let's be the voice of Pexshan Ezîzî”.
Speaking in Parliament, DEM Party Group Deputy Chair Gülistan Kılıç Koçyiğit said: “Aren't you following in the footsteps of Kenan Evren and the September 12 coup mentality? You know no boundaries in your Kurdish enmity. Your enmity has reached as far as the asphalt.”
Amed Metropolitan Municipality teams rewrote the Kurdish warning signs that were deleted by the governorate's decision.
Kerboran Municipality made a statement on the removal of the Kurdish warning signs and said: “We strongly condemn this great evil.”
Lawyer Mehmet Selahattin Timur from ÖHD stated that violations such as access to health care, strip searches and ill-treatment are taking place in prisons in the Aegean region and that disciplinary proceedings were initiated against prisoners who celebrated the anniversary of the Kobanê victory.
Theater and film actor Genco Erkal has lost his life.
The "Pêşî Peya/Pedestrian First" traffic warning signs written on the roads in Êlih have been erased.
An objection was made to the access ban imposed on our agency's domain name upon the complaint of the Gümüşhane Provincial Gendarmerie Command. The application emphasized that the decision is "a violation of freedom of press and expression."
DEM Party Co-Chair Tülay Hatimoğulları met with farmers in Hatay, criticized the government's agricultural policies and said: "We have to overthrow all policies of this government."
Citizens in Amed reacted to the blackening of Kurdish traffic warning signs and described as "hostility towards Kurds".
Journalist Süleyman Ahmet, who was detained and no news was heard from for 279 days, was sentenced to 3 years in prison.
There are many rulings by the Court of Cassation, Constitutional Court and ECHR that the slogan "Bijî Serok Apo", which was used as a justification for the arrest of some young people in Mersin, is not a crime.
Police raided 3 weddings in Colemêrg and detained musicians and some wedding hosts who sang Kurdish songs.
The trial of journalist Süleyman Ahmet, who has not been heard from for 279 days, has begun.