'If it was not for İbrahim, Haki, Dörtler, we could not have a legacy of resistance'


ANKARA- Revolutionary 78s Federation has declared a memorial statement for the anniversary of revolutionary leader İbrahim Kaypakkaya.

Revolutionary 78s Federation has announced a written statement to salute the 47th anniversary of the killing of İbrahim Kaypakkaya, who was the founder of Communisty Party of Turkey-Marxist Lenninist (TKP-ML) and Liberation Army of the Workers and Peasants of Turkey (TİKKO).

In the statement Revolutionary 78s saluted Kaypakkaya as follows:

"In the person of İbrahim KAypakkaya we salute all those martrys of May who has fought for the struggle of revolution and socialism.  As the fellows of İbrahim, Haki (Karer), Nurhak martryes and Dörtler (denoting the 4 Kurdish revolutioners Ferhat Kurtay, Necmi Öner, Mahmut Zengin ve Eşref Anyık) we know that if we can protect what they left us causing them their lives, only then our existence finds its meaning. Imagine, just for a second, the strong belief and strength that they have found in the cells of interrogation against such a violence. As the torture creates huge destructions on human body, it also witnesses the re-birth of the human will and determination. just imagine how high the human dignity rises as they resisted against those moments of torture and feel the revolutionary energy of their brave hearts... If you feel that inthusiastic wave inside, that is Kaypakkaya. And there you see Haki Karer. You see there the Dörtler-the Fours. That is the legacy that passed from them to you and that will pass from you to the next generations. That is the deep affection to be loyal to that legacy that bonds us here today even if we remain far away.

The cruel essence rains over us the poverty and the rage of the war and the bombs, the death and work homicide. It attacks the workers, the youth, the Kurd, the revolutioner and to all those who oppose. The alternative for this is to act accordingly to a resistance line of revolution against imperialism, fascism, militarism and chauvinism.

They call us and tell: revolutioners, destroy this system of cruelty, destroy the sultanate of the palace. Send the dictators to the garbage bin of the history. Struggle for socialism. The ones who have fallen on the path to revolution are immortal. Long live the revolution and the socialism. Long live the freedom struggle of Turkish and Kurdish peoples."

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