444 weeks after Roboski Massacre: Impunity on every corner


ANKARA - The Justice Initiative for Roboski made a statement in the 102nd month of the Roboski Massacre, declaring "There has been no positive progress in terms of either punishment, confrontation, or justice in 444 weeks after the massacre."

102 months after the Roboski Massacre, The Justice Initiative for Roboski made a statement in the office of Human Rights Association (İHD) Ankara Branch regarding the massacre, in which 34 civilians, 19 of whom children, were killed.
Reminding that it has been 3,105 days after the massacre, Tanju Gündüzalp, a member of the Justice Initiative for Roboski said, "The families, non-governmental organizations and the people who were hurt have been seeking for justice for 102 months. It is a pity that there has been no positive progress in terms of either punishment, confrontation, or justice in 444 weeks after the massacre."
"This system of war and exploitation should no longer continue," said Gündüzalp as he added, "States should stop spending most of their budget on security and war policies, and try to create an equal and just life without war and exploitation, for the humanity and for the nature. The salvation of humanity can only be achieved this way."
Expressing that 34 people were killed by bombs, yet this has gained acceptance from different segments of the society, Günzüalp said, "In these lands where impunity settled in every corner, the perpetrators haven't still faced trial There is no punishment and no justice. The tradition of impunity that triggered the next massacre, is still applied to Roboski case with invisible hands neglecting the legal norms. The essence of the reality we live in can be summarized as: impunity, war and the lack of law and justice. There would be no statute of limitations for massacres.  As long as Roboski is not clarified and solved, the demilitarization and democratization of the politics in Turkey would never be achieved."

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