'I have shared my elegy with mountains for 20 years'


DİYARBAKIR- Ruhiye Ok reacted to that the grave of her son has been attacked 3 times, as she says she found her son after 20 years, everyday of which she has shared her elegy with the mountains, the stones, with the skies and the far away places.

The grave in the Yolçatı (Sîsê) village of Diyarbakır's Live district, was attacked and ruined for the third time on May 22. as the families visited the grave before the Eid, they witnessed the destruction. The families collected the broken marbles of the tombs, which were destroyed.


Ruhiye Ok is the mother of Abdulbasit Ok, we lost his life on May 13 1994 in Yolçatı village and she told that the attacks on the graves aim to offend the values of the peoples: "I have found the grave of my child 20 years after he died. I had no grave for 20 years to visit, to pray, to cry, to go talk with him, to share my joy or pain, to caress the soil on top of it, to water, to call it 'my dear child'. For 20 years I have shared my elegy with the mountains, the stones, with the skies and the far away places. To have a grave of my child after 20 years made feel at least a bit like I was near to my dear son, my baby, my Abdulbasit".


Saying that the attacks are meant to attack their values mother Ruhiye told, "It is known how strong our children are and how they keep the spirit of struggle so strong. Our children made the history. Even the deceased body of my child keeps his struggle and I feel like he resists against the attacks. Their struggle is the social memory. We should embrace their struggle and their memories. We should not allow these attacks".


Yasemin Kaya, the sister of Bilal Fidan (Dijwar Erîş) who lost his life in 1995 in the Erkencik village of Diyarbakır's Silvan district, told that they were not able to visit the grave of her brother due to the curfews. Kaya shared her feelings regarding the attacks on the graves as follows: "We will visit the grave of my brother right after the curfews. This is such a sorrowful and back-breaking situation for humanity. There is nothing reasonable about these attacks on the graves. We can't make sense out of such a hatred and grudge to someone, who can not even response you now. As the families, we have always supported an equal life on equal terms. Despite our losses, we have always defended that idea. We just hope that this hatred and grudge would end some day; so that these graves, which are our last memories we have left with, would not be subject to such attacks anymore".

MA / Ayşe Sürme - Fahrettin Kılıç

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