MA went to the peshmerga point in Zînî Wertê


SULAIMANIYAH - While there were no measures taken against coronavirus in Zînî Wertê where peshmerga forces were deployed due to coronavirus, a peshmerga commander words, saying "What would a doctor do here" sums up the purpose. It is enough to say hi to pass the check point.

The peshmerga forces that the Iraqi Federated Kurdistan Region Government shifted to the Zînî Wertê region connecting the Karox and Kandil and the Sulaimaniyah-Hewlêr countryside were not withdrawn despite the reactions of the citizens, Kurdish parties and the organizations in the region. The epidemic was told to be the reason why the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) and the Kurdistan Patriotic Union (PUK) deployed the peshmerga in the region, establishing 4 bases. The fact that Turkish Armed Forces (TSK) bombed the region after the peshmerga being deployed there and the discourse of both Federated Kurdistan Region President Neçirvan Barzani and Prime Minister Mesrur Barzani, saying; 'Kurditan region is not a play ground for PKK and Turkish forces. They can go fight in the north' indicates that the peshmerga were not deployed there due to the coronavirus.
Residents in the region thinks that the peshmerga were deployed there on the request of Turkey and USA and they think that this will lead to a 'Brakûjiye' (fratricide). Kurdish political parties and organizations have the same concerns with the residents of the region. The fact that this move was a common plan of USA against Iran and Turkey against PKK is being spoken among the people.
The Mesopotamian Agency (MA) went to that point in Zînî Wertê, where the peshmerga forces were deployed for the Kovid-19 outbreak.
When we reach Zînî Wertê, 4 pêşmerge points, which are established at 20-meter intervals, draw attention. Many people from Zînî Wertê, Serkepkan and surrounding villages and Ranya are collecting beets in the region. Dozens of vehicles pass through the points set up at the crossroads. It is noteworthy that no measures were taken within the scope of the Kovid-19 outbreak, which was the reason for shifting the peshmerga forces to these points.  Neither pedestrians nor the drivers passing through points are subject to any health checks.
Those who wished to march in the region on April 29 against the shifting of the Peshmerga forces, were not allowed on the grounds of the Kovid-19 outbreak.
A pershmerga commander responded to our question about how many days ago they came here and if there is a doctor or a medical team there' by saying 'What would a doctor do here? No medical teams came here. The same commander responded to our question about the measure they take about the coronavirus by saying, 'I don't know, go ask someone in charge'.
We asked the same questions to agricultural workers harvesting beeks. He said: "We go through those check points everyday with our vehicles and harvest beeks. We haven't seen any measures yet. We salut them and pass through the check point."
MA / Erdoğan Altan

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