Virus concern in Van: Military Hospital conditions are not suitable

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  • 10:04 29 February 2020
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VAN - Noting that the unease in Van has increased day by day due to the coronavirus seen in Iran, Mehmet Emin Yılmaz from the SES administration said that the old Military Hospital, which is said to be used for virus cases, is not suitable.

With the increase in deaths due to coronavirus in Iran, border gates were closed in Van, which is a neighboring city to Iran. Mehmet Emin Yılmaz, Member of the Board of Directors of the Health and Social Workers' Union (SES) Branch, evaluated the Mesopotamia Agency (MA) for the measures to be taken against the virus, the measures taken against the epidemic in the city at risk, and how ready the city is.
Yılmaz, stating that virus is more dangerous for some risk groups, said the elderly and the people who have chronic disease are in the risk group. Yılmaz, stressing that the virus can effect everyone, said the world is face to face with a virus spreading on a daily basis. 
Stating that the cases should be treated in more equipped places, Yılmaz said the old Van Military Hospital, which is said to be used for virus cases, is not suitable. Yılmaz said: "The regional hospital is being used for the virus. There are some things that are not yet clear. Perhaps they want to use the old military hospital in this regard. However, the condition of the building and the equipments are not sufficient for intervention. After all, the place to keep the patient must be places with the lowest air pressure. The old military hospital is unequipped in every respect. People must be admitted from a different door, not from the emergency room. And the patients must be cared for in more equipped places."

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