Lebanese Researcher: Erdogan will be removed from Syria either by treaty or by force

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  • 11:53 27 February 2020
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ANKARA - Commenting on the rising tension in the Middle East over Idlib and Libya, Lebanese Researcher-Writer Anis Naccach said: "Erdoğan will eventually be removed from Syria, either by treaty, or by force." Egyptian politician Mamdouh Habeshi said: "Knowing his limits, Erdoğan is aware of what will happen."

Lebanese Researcher-Writer Anis Naccach and Egypt Socialist People's Alliance Party Foreign Relations Officer Mamdouh Habeshi spoke to Mesopotamia Agency (MA) regarding the rising Idlib tension between Turkey and Russia and the developments in Libya. 
Naccach said: "America has long wanted to create a structure in the Middle East through Islamic organizations. Turkey acted as a part of it." 
Naccach, stating that Turkey is acting with the idea of Neo-Ottomanism in the region, said: "Turkey wants to change the regime in the Middle East and evolve it into Islamic regime. The example of this is to implement a kind of Islamic revolution model like in Idlib, Tunisia and Egypt." 
Naccach said: "Neo- Ottomanism is such a dream that nobody except Turkey want that dream to come true. Turkey entering Libya is a result of this dream. There are no Kurds there. Turkey's Ottoman dream is not possible. This is a very old dream. What we call empire was the domination and patronage of one nation to other nations. But there is no such thing in the world anymore." 
Naccach stating that Turkey supports the international terror elements, continued: "This relation is not limited with Free Syrian Army. Turkey have provided money and convenience to move their weapons across the border for these terror groups that can be considered international terror, which can not be defined simply as 'Syrians'. In Idlib, the TSK is clearly acting together with many international terrorist organizations. They are building a new life together and we see it."
Naccach stated the following regarding the developments in Idlib: "Turkey clashing with Russia is no big deal. What is more possible than that is, Russia will firmly support the regime and eventually Erdoğan will have to step back and leave Syria. This will be a huge loss for Erdoğan. There is a third way for Erdoğan. And that is Erdoğan acting wisely and going to treaty with Russia.This agreement is impossible if he does not agree to withdraw his troops. Erdoğan will eventually leave Syria. Either by treaty or by force."
Stressing that the problems existing in the region should be solved in cooperation and negotiation Naccach said: "This not only applied to Syria but also Irak and the Kurdish issue continuing in Turkey. Because Kurds are under hegamony and this must be solved with negotiation."
Naccach also stated that the North East Syria Autonomous Administration will be a model in the world that is reshaping today. Naccach said: "North East Syria is now described as a Kurdish model. The structuring in Rojava must be described as a Syrian model. One of them is the philosophy and theory of Öcalan, the other is the practice of the Kurds. This theory can be applied anywhere."
 Egypt Socialist People's Alliance Party Foreign Relations Officer Mamdouh Habeshi stated that Turkey fights in Idlib to defend what's left from ISIS, eventhough they are a member of the coalition against ISIS. Habeshi said: "Erdoğan's government is acting similarly in Libya."
Emphasizing that the AKP government has no choice but to leave Syria, Habeshi said, "Because Syrians are fighting for their own land. If you fight for your own freedom in your own land, you have no other way. You fight until your last soldier. The Russians have understood this, that's why they do not support Erdoğan. Erdogan insistently wants to stay in Syria, the Russians do not support this."
Habeshi said: "The rising tension will not result in war because Erdoğan knows his own limits. He is not stupid. He is aware of what will happen if the tension rises more and he won't let it. The issue of war is always a matter of rhetoric. It is necessary to comprehend this. This is more of a war of words than an actual war", regarding the developments in Idlib.
MA / Berivan Altan

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