130 people from the Black Sea: Racist attacks are not independent from the Kurdish Problem

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  • 13:41 14 September 2020
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İSTANBUL - 130 intellectuals, politicians, artists, journalists and citizens from the Black Sea opposed the racist attacks against the Kurds and expressed that what happened was due to the securityist-confrontational politics that have been carried out for years in the Kurdish issue.
A statement was published condemning the racist attack against Kurdish workers in Sakarya, with the signatories of many Black Sea intellectuals, politicians, artists, journalists and citizens from various circles.
The statement underlined that these attacks are not simple acts of violence and said: "As a result of the deep economic inequality and injustice in our country, it is obvious that these attacks against Kurdish workers who come to the Black Sea every year during tea and hazelnut harvesting seasons are not a simple act of violence."
Reminding the poor working conditions of seasonal Kurdish workers in the statement, "This audacity punching Kurdish women in Sakarya get that encouragement from the government that allows attacks against women everywhere and the protecting of the men who carry out these attacks. The impunity causes a great wound in the conscience of the people. We have always been there for the Kurdish agricultural workers, we will continue to stand by them."
The names of the signatories are: A. Seda Berzeg (Retired), Abdullah Kara (Retired), Adnan Genç (Journalist / Author), Ahmet Yılmaz (Retired), Ahmet Zeki ACIKGOZ (Worker), Ali Akgün (Retired), Altan Açıkdilli , Altuna Saral (House worker), Apolas Lermi (Artist), Asuman BAL (Retired Banker), Ayşegül Demirkol (Retired Teacher), Bahise Pirim (Retired), Bahise PİRİM (Retired), Bahri Ömeroğlu (Poet), Birgül Asena Güven ( Jıneps Editorial Board Member), Cahit Ongunyurt (Retired), Casim Cihan (Forest Engineer), Cemil Aksu (Author / Ecology activist), Çelebi Serkan (Retired), Çiğdem Şahin (Academician), Dilvin Semizer (Retired Teacher), Doğan Çağrınaz ( Teacher), Enver Aslan (Freelance), Erdal Bektaş (Farmer), Erdoğan Karatay (Student), Erdoğan Yılmaz (Architect), Erol Katırcıoğlu (Deputy), Evrim Kepenek (Journalist), Fadime Kam TEMEL (Retired), Fikret Melih ÇOLAKOĞULLARI ( Retired), Fuat Mertek (Tradesman), Gul Yilmaz (Proofreader), Gulseren Benli KANDEMIR (Retired), H. Gencer UÇAR (Retired), Habil Balcı (Tradesman), Hab provincial TARHAN (Retired Teacher), Hacer Sarıalioğlu (Photography Artist), Hakan Dakoğlu (Educator), Haldun Açıksözlü (Theater / Writer), Halil Karavelioğlu (Retired), Hamza Yılmaz (Retired Postman), Hasan ARICAN (Retired), Hasan Güzel ( Hazelnut producer), Hatice Seçkin Uğur (Journalist), Hazar Dilaver (Retired), Hazılı Kuru (Retired), Hikmet Akçiçek (artist), Hulusi Bilgin (Retired Tradesman), Hüseyin Camkıran (Retired), Hüseyin GÜRBÜZ (Retired Engineer), Hüseyin Sarıbaş (E.Teacher), Hüsnü P. İnceşi (Architect), Ilgaz Gümüştaş (Educator), İbrahim Akgün (Retired), İbrahim Baykan (Educator), İbrahim Karaca (Author), İbrahim Yaşacan (Retired), İrfan Çağatay Aleksiva (Writer / Publisher), İsmail Akyıldız (Ecology Activist / Author), İsmail Cavga (Educator), İsmail Çolak (Retired teacher), İsmet Çelik (Retired worker and trade unionist), Jan Yılmaz (Musician), Kenan Sarıalioğlu (Poet / Translator / Author) Köksal Önder (Retired), Mehbare Akgün (Home worker), Mehmedali Barış Beşli (Lawyer / Author), Mehmet Akkaya (Farmer), Mehmet Bekaroğlu (Deputy), Mehmet Kaya (Retired), Mesut KAYA (Retired), Metin Gülbay (Journalist / Author), Metin Karadağ (Architect), Murat Çepni (Deputy), Mustafa Cengiz (Author), Mustafa Demir (Farmer), Nazif Öztürk (Farmer), Necla KAMBUR (Retired), Nermin Bıçak (Retired), Nermin Karsan (Engineer), Nuray Bedirkurum (Farmer), Nurcan Karasu (Ecology activist), Nurettin PİRİM (Retired), Nuriye Taka (Retired Teacher), Nurten Çakır (Educator), Onur Elçi (Chef), Osman VARGÜN (Retired Educator), Ömer Turan (Poet), Özcan Alper (Director), Özcan Yurdalan (Traveler, Guide and Writer), Rafet Fahri SEMİZOĞLU (Tradesman), Ragıp Yavuz (Theater Director and Educator), Rahim Dede (Retired worker), Ramazan Pektaş (Engineer), Raşit Demiröz (Worker), Rauf KOCAMAN (Retired), Rıdvan Turan (Deputy), Rıfat ÖZDEM (Marketer), Salih Zeki Tombak (Author), Sebahattin Çurmıt (Çitfçi), Seçkin Kır (Retired), Seda Berzeg (Retired), Seda Sanlıer (Journalist), Sema Akgün (Retired), Serap Canbek (Jıneps Editorial Board Member), Serhan Safatlı ( Artvin SES Representative), Serkan Türk (Writer), Sevda Bilgin (Home worker), Sevgi ÖZDEM (Retired), Seyfullah GÜCÜKATALAK (Retired), Şaban KAYA (Tradesman), Şirin Özen (Retired Teacher), Taner SAMETOĞLU (Retired-Tradesman) Basic Care (Retired), Tufan Şişli (Journalist), Turan CENGİZ (Retired), Turgay Köse (Farmer), Ümide Aysu (Retired), Varol Zengin (Carpenter), Vedat Şensoy (Tradesman), Vesile Özdem YÜKSELEN (Retired), Volkan Binbaş (Doctor), Yaşar Güven (Member of Jıneps Editorial Board), Yaşar Yılmaz (Construction worker), Yılmaz Topaloğlu (Former Mayor of Hopa), Yurdanur GÜVEN (Retired Teacher), Yücel Turgut (Banker), Zafer Aydın (Author), Zafet Süren (Retired), Zeki Salmanoğlu (Retired Teacher), Zekiye AYGÜN (Retired)

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