Call for alliance for democracy from 101 White Haired

İSTANBUL – '101 White Haired' coming from different political backgrounds and traditions issued a common statement, drawing the attention of the young people in Turkey to the poor conditions Turkey's in, and called for alliance for democracy without further delay.
The statement is as follows:
"We, the white haired people coming from different segments of life, from different backgrounds and different politics, who have left many years behind, are addressing  to all the people of our country who deserve to live in peace in a fair and free society, especially young people.
* Our country has never experienced such darkness, injustice, lawlessness, social decay, loneliness and disreputation in the world. 
* The Constitution is de facto suspended, and the judiciary, which should be independent and impartial, is under the order of the Palace, and so is the law enforcement.The guarantee of the republic is rendered inoperable by all institutions, one by one.
* In a complete arbitrariness and oppression, the last pieces of democracy and law are swept away.
* Laws and practices that threaten the security of property and life of the citizen, disregard human rights and freedoms, destroy our citizenship rights, banning our professional organizations and depending it on the government, restricting out right to recieve news have been hitting us like a sledgehammer.
* With the warmongering whim, the principle 'peace in the country, peace in the world' have turned into an emnity waging war against the powerful nations of the world 
*Most importantly; we are being divided into fronts. A discord is sown between us seperating us into fractions like religious, secular, sunni, alevi, right-wing, left-wing, Turk, Kurd, young and old in order to stop us from saying no to them. 
We are all under threat. No one should think that these problems won't concern them. We are all under threat. While we struggle with economic difficulties, those in power poision our air with every step they take. We,  as a society, can not breathe. The legal restrictions and practices we think that won't affect us threaten not only our freedom but also our livelihood. We are warning the government. You are in power. Based on that power, you are trying to manage with imposition, not consent. Large masses are dissatisfied, anxious, restless. Their silence is based on fear and desperation, not on the support you think exists. However, a day will come when those silent objections grow and reflect to the ballot box. The constituents might one day stop you. Even if you don't see it yet, we see that, that day is coming.
The AKP-MHP coalition draws its strength from the dissolution of the opposition. Our helpless and undecided people; looking for a solid option that they can trust. Total threat is only eliminated by total resistance. The solution is to establish a democracy alliance without delay, where all opposition forces will meet, protecting their basic lines and their basic principles while protecting their existence.
Young people listen to our voice. Do not think of our call for you as old people speaking on their high horses. It is a summary of our years of experience and a sad feeling of npt being able to leave you a better, brighter country. We have never lost our hope. Just like we did before, we are rebelling against our country being dragged into the abyss, we rebel against those who darken your futures, condemning you to poverty, plundering your natural resources, destroying your nature, we rebel against this life imposed on the women, the young people. And we depend our hope on you. Overcome the divisions, hostilities, false facades imposed on you, unite, raise your voice. It is time to claim our freedoms, our livelihood, our life styles, our rights. The bright tomorrow is in your hands. We, the white haired people want to see that bright tomorrow while we are still alive.
Abdullah Nefes, Abdülbaki Erdoğmuş, Ahmet Aykaç, Ahmet İnsel, Ahmet Telli, Ahmet Türk, Ali Bayramoğlu, Ali Sirmen, Altan Öymen, Arif Keskiner, Atilla Dorsay, Aydın Cıngı, Aydın Engin, Ayşe Erzan, Ayşenur Arslan, Baskın Oran, Binnaz Toprak, Bülent Ortaçgil, Canan Arın, Celal Doğan, Cem Toker, Cengiz Aktar, Cengiz Çandar, Cihangir İslam, Coşkun Özdemir, Doğan Bermek, Ercan Karakaş, Erdoğan Aydın, Ersin Kalaycıoğlu, Ersin Salman, Ertuğrul Günay, Ertuğrul Yalçınbayır, Eşber Yağmurdereli, Fatma Gök, Fatmagül Berktay, Fehmi Koru, Fikri Sağlar, Filiz Ali, Genco Erkal, Gençay Gürsoy, Gökhan Akçura, Gürel Tüzün, Hacer Ansal, Halil Ergün, Hasan Cemal, Hayri İnönü, Herkül Milas, İbrahim Betil, İbrahim Sinemillioğlu, İlhan Tekeli, Kazım Güleçyüz, Korkut Boratav, Marta Kalyoncu, Mehmet Hayri Kırbaşoğlu, Melek Ulagay, Meral Tamer, Meryem Koray, Moris Gabbay, Murat Belge, Murat Karayalçın, Müjde Ar, Nadire Mater, Nazar Büyüm, Necmiye Alpay, Nesrin Nas, Nesteren Davutoğlu, Nurettin Sözen, Orhan Pamuk, Orhan Silier, Osman Ulagay, Oya Baydar, Öget Öktem Tanör, Ömer Madra, Peral Bayaz, Rakel Dink, Reşit Canbeyli, Rıza Türmen, Selçuk Erez, Serra Yılmaz, Süleyman Coşkun, Süleyman Çelebi, Şahin Tekgündüz, Şanar Yurdatapan, Şebnem Korur Fincancı, Şevket Pamuk, Şükran Soner, Şükrü Aslan, Tarhan Erdem, Tarık Ziya Ekinci, Tuğrul Eryılmaz, Turhan Günay, Tülin Dursun, Ümit Aktaş, Üstün Ergüder, Vecdi Sayar, Veysi Dündar, Yaşar Okuyan, Yücel Erten, Zeynep Oral, Ziya Halis, Zülfü Livaneli.

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