Recist attack to the Kurdish workers, who shared Demirtaş's photo

URFA - Osman İnan, a worker in the recycling industry told that a group of 50-60 people attacked him and his friend because they shared the photo of the imprisoned Kurdish politican Selahattin Demirtaş.
Osman İnan, one of the Kurdish workers who works in the recycling industry in the Görele district of Giresun, a province in the Black Sea Region of northeastern Turkey, was physically attacked because he shared via his social media account a photo of Selahattin Demirtaş, the imprisoned ex-Co-Chair of Peoples' democratic Party. The soldiers sent İnan ve 21 Kurdish workers working with him back to their hometown Urfa.
İnan, who came from Viranşehir district of Urfa and has been the chief worker of their recycling zone for the 5 month, told that he was threatened during the daytime yesterday because he shared a photo of Demirtaş and then he was attacked by a group of 50-60 people, who came to their container at around 8 pm in yesterday's evening. Reporting that they broke his tooth and gave him a nosebleed İnan said he was taken into custody by the soldiers came right after the attack and he was treated as a "terrorist".
"In my social media account I shared a photo of Selahattin Demirtaş. A few drivers here were disturbed by this. The a couple of people sent me some text messages and they told be they will visit my in the evening," told İnan and added, "It was around 8 pm. Arund 50-60 people came to the container I live in. They told me, 'Why do you share the photo of this terrorist. Kurds are no good. Kurds are terrorists. We will turn Black Sea a hell for Kurds'. 15 of them attacked me all of a sudden. My tooth was broken and my nose bled."
Stating that he was taken to the police station by the gendarmerie teams who came after the attack, continued to tell what happened in the station as follows: "Gendarmerie took me into custody, not the ones who attacked me. I was taken to the police station. They asked me 'Why did you shared this phoro? These kill our soldiers and police. These are terrorists' and I replied that these people defend my rights and HDP is a party of Turkey as Selahattin Demirtaş is a politician. Then again they said 'They don't defend your rights. If you want to defend your rights, go to the Parliament'".
"You share the photo of this terrorist and you ask for a npakin from us", this is what the officials in the police station told İnan according to his tellings as he told that the officials did not even gave him a napkin for his nosebleeding. Sharing what the offenders told the soldiers was "We don't want these in here, send them all", İnan told that gendarmerie officially chased them away of the city telling them "We can't protect you, we can't take security measures". According to the last information İnan shared, gendarmerie followed the Kurdish workers leaving the town until they arrive Gümüşhane, another city which is around 2,5 hours drive away from Girusun. 

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