Newroz in Nisêbîn: The government must take steps 2025-03-19 15:41:48   MÊRDÎN - Speaking at the Newroz celebration in Nisêbîn with the participation of thousands of people, DEM Party Deputy chair Mehmet Rüştü Tiryaki called on the government to take steps as soon as possible in response to Öcalan's historic call.    In Nisêbîn (Nusaybin) district of Mêrdîn (Mardin), citizens poured into the area from the morning hours with the slogans "Rêbertiya Azad Civaka Demokratîk (Free Leader, Democratic Society)" and "Freedom Newroz for Democratic Society".   Citizens with their local clothes and colours filled the Newroz area and danced halay to the music played. While those who entered the Newroz area frequently chanted "Newroz pîroz be (Happy Newroz)" slogan, citizens danced with the performance Hozan Memet.   Thousands of people came together at the Newroz celebration, which was also attended by Peace Mothers, relatives of prisoners, Kurdish politicians, as well as Emine Demirel, the mother of Rahşan Demirel, who self-immolated in 1992 in Kadifekale, Izmir. The Newroz area was shouted with the slogan "Bijî Serok Apo (Long live Leader Apo)".   Peace Mother Perihan Altuğ drew attention to the call made by Abdullah Öcalan and asked "Are we ready to embrace the call of the Leader?". "Yes," was the unanimous answer from the field and Perihan Altuğ said, "We will win freedom."   Rahşan Demirel's mother Emine Demirel said, "Our destinies are tied together. Let's take President Apo's hand and lift it like a pillar of steel. Let's establish our unity."    TJA member Hülya Alökmen stated that they would work in line with Öcalan's call and invited citizens to support Öcalan's call.   DEM Party Deputy Chair Mehmet Rüştü Tiryaki said, "On 27 February a new door was opened to solve the Kurdish issue. A door was opened but the politics of the rulers did not change. Today, the Mayor of Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality has been detained. The politics of trusteeship continues. As it continued in Mêrdîn (Mardin), Êlih (Batman) and Wan (Van). Their operations and arrests continue."   Reminding that the operations, isolation and attacks continue, Tiryaki stated that the Kurds demand a democratic solution to the Kurdish issue. Tiryaki said, "Mr Öcalan has taken a historic step for this. The state also has some things to do. It needs to be sincere. For this reason, the AKP should take some steps as soon as possible. The Kurds are ready, the rulers, AKP and MHP should also take steps, the isolation should be lifted, political operations and arrests should be ended."   After the speeches, the Newroz fire was lit. Thousands of people who formed a circle around the Newroz fire chanted "Bijî Serok Apo" slogans and a Newroz hala was formed after the fire was lit. The celebration continued with the performance of singer Kasım Taşdoğan.