Newroz in Misirc after 11 years 2025-03-17 17:02:36 SÊRT - Thousands of people shouted for the freedom of Kurdish People's Leader Abdullah Öcalan at the Newroz celebration in Misirc after 11 years.  Newroz was celebrated in Misirc (Kurtalan) district of Sêrt (Siirt) after 11 years. Citizens who passed through 3 search points entered the area accompanied by cheers, applause and slogans. While the people of Misirc took place in the area with their local clothes, the people of the district from 7 to 70 met in the Newroz area. The crowd chanted "Bijî serok Apo (Long live Leader Apo)", "Bê serok jiyan nabe (Without Leader there is no life)", "Jin jiyan azadî (Woman, life, freedom)" slogans.   DEM Party Sêrt (Siirt) MP Sabahat Erdoğan Sarıtaş talked about the historical importance of Newroz for the people of the city and said, "Mr Öcalan called for honourable peace. This call gave strengt to all of us, especially women. The struggle for honourable peace is one of the greatest struggles. This honourable call is not only for Kurds, but for all rights. Everyone must do their part and take their place in this struggle."   DEM Party Riha (Urfa) MP Ömer Öcalan stated that the honourable Kurdish people are struggling for the construction of peace. "Women and children were massacred in Kobani yesterday. What do you want with this provocation? What did you want from little children?" he added.    Stressing that Abdullah Öcalan is calling for honourable peace, Öcalan said, "Let us fight with a strong diplomacy. Let us be careful against provocations in every field. Mr Öcalan said 'Kurds are the strong ones in the Middle East'.  And he stated that Kurds will lead the construction of democracy. Let's carry out the struggle with this consciousness."   After the speeches, the Newroz fire was lit with slogans, applause and cheers. Then a halay was organised around the Newroz fire.