Prison doors must be opened for an honourable peace says DBP Co-chair Bayindir 2025-03-16 15:41:44   MÊRDÎN - Referring to the process that started after the historic call of Kurdish People's Leader Abdullah Öcalan, "For the freedom of the Kurdish people, for the struggle in democratic politics and for an honourabla peace, the doors of the prisons where thousands of our imprisoned friends are held must be opened. This is the biggest and most importatn step to be taken," said DBP Co-chair Keskin Bayindir.    Speaking at the  7th Ordinary Congress of Democratic Regions Party (DBP) Mêrdîn (Mardin) Provincial Organzation DBP Co-Chair Keskin Bayındır commemorated those who lost their lives in the Halabja Massacre and said, "Thousands of Kurds were massacred with chemicals under Saddam's tyranny. Although 37 years have passed, this massacre is still not recognised as a crime against humanity in the world. This means that international powers, no matter how many they are, close their eyes and ears to the massacre of Kurds 100 years ago and today. But today, the Kurdish people, with their organisation, resistance and their leader Mr. Ocalan, are pioneering the enlightenment of humanity and the Middle East."   Drawing attention to the recent developments in Syria, Bayındır said that the Democratic Autonomous Administration in North and East Syira is the only solution. Bayındır stressed that the attacks Alawites are a shame for humanity and added that the Rojava model must dominate Syria and the Middle East.    'ÖCALAN HAS SET AN ALTERNATIVE PATH'   Reminding the historic call of Kurdish People's Leader Abdullah Öcalan, Bayindir said, "He put before the Kurdish people, the Middle East and the world an alternative path for struggle. Today, war cries are being shouted all over the world. There is death and plunder everywhere. All the powers, states adn forces of the world do not put any alternative in front of the peoples other than increasing death, massacre and suffering. But in his historic statement Mr Öcalan shows the remedy for the Middle East and the solution on the basis of democratic society."   Bayındır stated that the state must end its policies of denial as soon as possible in response to the call and stressed: "For the freedom of the Kurdish people, for the struggle in democratic politics, for an honourable peace, the doors of the prisons where thousands of our imprisoned friends are held must be opened. This is the biggest and most important step for us. For this step, the Turkish state requires the PKK to lay down its arms. The priority step for Kurds is not for the PKK to lay down arms, but for the state to end the system of denial and recognise the rights of Kurds."   Following the speeches, the annual and financial reports were read. Afterwards, Nuhroj Turk and Abdulselam Turan were elected as provincial co-chairs.